Columbia Clear Braces, Glen Burnie Clear BracesThousands of patients are aware of their need for orthodontic treatment, but put it off out of hesitation. They do so with good reason – the process of wearing metal braces is limiting and frustrating, especially for adults. While adolescence is a socially acceptable time to wear braces, we don’t all have access to braces during this period of our lives. Additionally, even those who received orthodontic treatment in youth can find their teeth shifting as they age, falling out of proper alignment. Invisalign treatment makes braces for adults a simple, discrete, and frankly thrilling process.

Invisalign and the Patient Experience

Invisalign consists of a series of clear aligner trays that gradually straighten your teeth. Patients switch to new trays at predetermined intervals to keep their teeth moving consistently. After a treatment period ranging between 6-18 months, the smile will be straightened. While Invisalign isn’t right for everyone, it’s proved to be the right choice for many of our patients. We and our patients appreciate Invisalign because it is:

  • Comfortable – Smooth, plastic Invisalign trays sit tightly against your teeth. They offer none of the poking or prodding associated with the metal brackets and wires of braces. You’ll have no trouble speaking, playing instruments, or sleeping with your Invisalign trays.
  • Subtle – The clear aligners are unnoticeable to all but the closest inspection. You’ll speak and smile as you usually do, without feeling shame or discomfort.
  • Restriction-Free – Because Invisalign aligners are fully removable, your diet will go unchanged. You will enjoy your favorite foods without restrictions.

What to Expect From Invisalign Treatment

Our dentists will guide you through each step of treatment when you begin. You’ll receive several of your customized aligner trays, your care instructions, and precautions at your first appointment. A few general things to keep in mind during Invisalign include:

  1. Keep your scheduled appointments – Invisalign appointments are less frequent than braces appointments, taking place about every 6 weeks. But it’s crucial to your ongoing progress that you keep these appointments. Should you miss one, it may take a little time to reschedule, setting your straightening back.
  2. Brush and floss after eating – Aligner trays can trap food particles and bacteria against your teeth, making decay more of a possibility. Brushing and flossing before replacing your trays will keep your teeth healthy throughout treatment.
  3. Wear aligners 20-22 hours per day – This may seem simple, but it requires some extra work on the patient’s part. By replacing trays as soon as possible after eating or brushing, you will be able to stay on track.

We’ll be able to tell you whether your malocclusion is suited to Invisalign after a complimentary consultation. Set yours up today!

Columbia Invisalign | Columbia Invisalign Treatment | Columbia Clear Braces | Columbia Invisible Braces