Ellicott City porcelain veneers

Hiding from cosmetic dentistry, even though you’re unhappy with your smile? It’s time to get to the root of the problem. If you’re nervous about the treatment process, it’s key that you learn more about what’s involved. Your imagination is usually much worse than reality.

Ellicott City porcelain veneers achieve dramatic transformations, without demanding dramatic commitment. The thin porcelain material makes the procedure, healing process, and future with your veneers as simple as possible. Read on for answers to common veneer questions, and contact us if you have remaining concerns. Our Ellicott City location offers the cosmetic treatment that will help you achieve your aesthetic goals, and all that follows.

Do Porcelain Veneers Require Tooth Reduction?

Nobody wants to deal with drilling. For anxious patients, the shots of anesthesia, the sights and sounds of the drill, and the following healing time aren’t necessarily worth the results of treatment. Veneers allow us to make the kind of subtle, unique changes you’re hoping for, without taking off big chunks of your natural teeth.

Why are porcelain veneers so low on tooth prep? Because they’re incredibly thin. The restorations fit over your natural teeth, without requiring that you have significant portions of your teeth removed. This not only speeds up the procedure, it reduces the need for anesthesia, and gets you back to your regular life as soon as possible.

before porcelain veneers after porcelain veneers

The ceramic material also allows for a wide variety of characteristics. No matter what you’re hoping to change about your smile, we’ll find a way to bring that concept into reality. As you can see with our patient pictured above, veneers can straighten, lengthen, whiten, reshape, resize, and more. We’ll be able to make recommendations once we see your smile for ourselves.

Schedule your consultation by filling out the form below – then start thinking about your perfect grin!

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Ellicott City Porcelain Veneers | Porcelain Veneers Ellicott City | Dental Veneers Ellicott City