Cosmetic dentistry will create an entirely new smile. But those teeth are nothing without beautiful skin to set them off. Even if your teeth are exactly what you’d like them to be, lined or wrinkled skin can diminish your smile. No longer must the aging process broadcast itself across your face. Facial enhancement is possible without surgery or other drastic measures – simple injections of Botox will tame lines for months to come.

Botox Treatment

Glenn Burnie Botox treatmentIt’s an unfortunate truth that our stresses show on our faces. As we concentrate or frown, our brows tend to furrow. They clench to a different extent in every individual, leaving some with deep lines across the brow. This can make us feel less than youthful, and ashamed of our prominent forehead skin. But a lifetime of hard work and the display of emotions doesn’t need to take a toll on your visage.

Botox Cosmetic contains a purified protein that blocks nerves from releasing commands. The muscles affected by these nerves no longer contract, allowing the skin over the muscles to relax and heal. Botox is administered in a precise way, so that only planned muscles cease to contract. The result will be smoother skin without loss of facial mobility. You’ll still smile and laugh as usual – your skin will simply remain unwrinkled.

Dermal Fillers

Glenn Burnie Juvederm treatment


Just as emotions leave imprints on the forehead, so do they on the lower face. Your mouth is prey to a number of wrinkles: laugh lines, lines around the nose, vertical lines above and below the lips, and even loss of lip volume. The skin loses hydrating substances as we age, allowing volume loss and increased wrinkles. Fillers aim to supplement the skin with naturally occurring, hydration-friendly medicines.


If you’re ready to make even a subtle change to your facial skin, we’d love to discuss your options. Simply get in touch with Maryland Family Dentistry!

Botox Columbia MD | Columbia Botox Treatment | Columbia Dermal Fillers